~~META: title = Better w/o Context ~~ ====== Wagers of Blood: Out of Context ====== "But wait, there were two murderous tit zombies..." //-- 10/12/2012// ---- "Well, now we know where Vampires fall in the great Circle of Life: below bears." //-- 10/12/2012// ---- "Fuck you all! In the butt! WITH BEARS!" //-- 10/12/2012// ---- "Glittery butt hat." //-- 10/02/2012// ---- "My friends' furby wouldn't stop talking so we put it in the freezer." //-- 9/18/2012// ---- "Hang on, Ivan doesn't have his tits on right now." //-- 8/22/2012// ---- "Need a hymen? We've got hymens! Hymens for all!" //-- 6/19/2012// ---- "i know you said the actual phrase, but what i heard was 'time to bang with yo' nuts.'" //-- 5/22/2012// ---- "'Splintery' is a texture..."\\ "Not a nice one!" //-- 2/21/2012//